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Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Ups and Downs

Moon is Downstairs K Howell Charcoal on board 6cm x 13 cm  
     Stairs always give a space a lift. This set is incredible. Worn by time, this staircase is reverting to an organic, natural shape. The carefully cut stones have been hollowed by footsteps and collecting rainwater, the sharp edges lost over the years. I talked about an old painting of a new staircase-in-progress here. These stairs are nestled in a ruin dating to the 8th or 9th century. Some contrast.
     The stonework I've been looking at is amazing. Red sandstone hewn by Anglo Saxon tools and weathered by the elements. I've lots of development work to do, but it's satisfying  to be en route.
     Do you have a favourite flight? 

Exhibition at the Lancaster Environment Centre is on until 16 June 2012. A thumbnail gallery is available to view on my website .


  1. Krista I,ve just had a lovely visit with your work and your writing. Congratulations on your exhibition:Undressed:A Body of Work Exploring Our Human Connection With Trees-it was interesting to read more indepth about your process. I really like these stairs and thier telling-i recall another you did last year..am on my way to your website to see more work from your tree exhibition..

  2. Hello Jan, I hope the rain abates long enough for you to enjoy your stay!
    Thanks for having a look at the work. It's a small exhibition, but v. fun to put together.
